
Water Allocation Update: August 21, 2024

August 20, 2024

The LNID Board of Directors reviewed the current water supply of the Oldman River Reservoir and district crop demands at their regular meeting on August 20, 2024, and has approved a motion to increase the annual allocation from 11” per irrigation acre to 13” per irrigation acre. The Board also approved a motion that there will be no more increases to the allocation this year. At a 13" allocation, LNID remains a party to the Water Sharing Memorandum of Understanding.

LNID continues to target an end of season storage between 42-45% in the Oldman River Reservoir. At the time of the meeting, the Oldman River Reservoir was at approximately 72% of full supply volume (about 354,500 dam3) and Keho Reservoir was around 89.5% of full supply volume. The average water use in the district is approximately 7.2” per acre. Inflows into the Oldman River Reservoir were at low levels similar to those seen at this time in 2023.


  • Water Allocation Update: August 1, 2024

    August 1, 2024

    The LNID Board of Directors met on July 31, 2024, to review the current water supply of the Oldman River Reservoir as well as crop demands and has decided to hold the water allocation for 2024 at 11” per acre.

    At the time of the meeting, the Oldman River Reservoir was sitting at just under 80% of full supply volume (about 325,000 acre-feet) and Keho Reservoir continued to hover around 90% full supply volume. The average water use in the district is approximately 6” per acre. Inflows into the Oldman River Reservoir have reduced to similar low levels that were seen at this time in 2023.

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  • Water Allocation Update: July 26, 2024

    July 26, 2024

    At the July 23, 2024 Board Meeting the LNID Board of Directors reviewed the current water supply of the Oldman and Keho Reservoirs as well as crop demands, and decided to hold the water allocation at 11” per irrigation acre.

    The Oldman Reservoir is at 83.94% of full supply volume, and Keho Reservoir is at 88.74% of full supply volume. The Oldman Reservoir was filled to 95% on July 9, 2024 before dropping due to increased demand. The inflow into the Oldman Reservoir appears to be similar to 2023’s flow rate at this time of year. This puts the Oldman Reservoir on target to end the year at a minimum of 42.6% of full supply volume, which is significantly higher than the 28% at the end of 2023.

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  • Producer Questionnaires from Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation

    July 26, 2024

    Primary Producer Questionnaire

    Agriculture producers are invited to fill out a survey from RJ Sigurdson, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation (AGI). The information gathered through this survey is aimed to help AGI understand the challenges that primary producers are experiencing.

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  • Water Allocation Update: June 25, 2024

    June 25, 2024

    In consideration of the current water supply of the Oldman and Keho Reservoirs, forecasted watershed yield from remaining mountain runoff and annual crop demands, the Board of Directors of the LNID passed a resolution at their June 25, 2024, meeting to increase the allocation of water from 8” per irrigation acre to 11” per irrigation acre. This corresponds to a change from 45% of full allocation to 63% of full allocation. Although LNID irrigators will continue to be restricted, this increase will make a significant difference in the management of on-farm operations and help mitigate the effects of the ongoing drought. We have seen significant gains following our June 11th Board review as a result of timely rains, cool temperatures, and relatively low demand during early crop growth. On June 11th, an allocation of 8” per irrigation acre was recommended based on the available stored volume and no projected watershed yield. Good collaboration between LNID operations personnel and the Water Infrastructure and Operations Branch of Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation helped capture additional runoff and effectively respond to water demands during recent rain events. The resulting gains are being shared between the 2024 growing season and enhanced reservoir storage for 2025. The decision to increase the allocation now is intended to advise irrigators as early as possible so they can make best agronomic use of the available shared water to mitigate the effects of the current drought on their operations. This approach is consistent with the considerations and principles of the 2024 Water Sharing MOU for the Oldman South Saskatchewan River Basin, of which LNID is a signatory.

    The Water Supply Outlook, water use, and forecasted demands are being tracked in detail. The rationale for the 11” allocation is as follows:

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  • LNID Board Meets with Agriculture Minister RJ Sigurdson

    June 12, 2024

    The LNID board of directors met with Agriculture Minister RJ Sigurdson in Calgary on May 2, 2024. Five topics were discussed:

    1. Drought in 2023 caused damages to some crops in LNID. The LNID Board advocated for compensation for these extraordinary losses. LNID irrigators experienced significant 30-40% losses in winter crops such as winter wheat, alfalfa and grass that were not fully covered by insurance. The board heard that the rationale for not sending compensation for crop losses was that for those who had insurance through Agriculture Financial Services Corporation (AFSC), there were only a few claims triggered in the LNID region. Although the Board was hoping for a different outcome, we are confident that the consideration of this issue received the time and attention that it deserved.

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  • LNID Domestic Agreement and Household Purposes Agreement Users

    June 11, 2024

    Alberta remains in Stage 4 (out of 5) of its water shortage management response plan and LNID Irrigators are currently facing a 50% reduction in their allocation. This water is used to grow our food. The LNID is asking Domestic Agreement users and Household Purposes Agreement users to take action in decreasing your water usage. Recognizing that the establishment and long-term health of lawns, trees and shrubs needs to be considered, these efforts could include:

    • Limiting outdoor water usage, including watering lawns or washing vehicles, to essential needs

    Read more

Important Notices

2024 Water Allocation

The LNID Board of Directors reviewed the current water supply of the Oldman River Reservoir and district crop demands at their regular meeting on August 20, 2024, and has approved a motion to increase the annual allocation from 11” per irrigation acre to 13” per irrigation acre. The Board also approved a motion that there will be no more increases to the allocation this year.At a 13" allocation, LNID remains a party to the Water Sharing Memorandum of Understanding.

LNID continues to target an end of season storage between 42-45% in the Oldman River Reservoir. At the time of the meeting, the Oldman River Reservoir was at approximately 72% of full supply volume (about 354,500 dam3) and Keho Reservoir was around 89.5% of full supply volume. The average water use in the district is approximately 7.2” per acre. Inflows into the Oldman River Reservoir were at low levels similar to those seen at this time in 2023.

As we have passed peak seasonal water demand and approaching maturity for many crops, we have more certainty in estimating remaining water use and residual volume in our storage reservoirs. Several of the conservative assumptions used in the rational method have been updated and applied to projections of end-of-season water storage.

LNID is currently seeing a significant increase in the number of water allocation transfer requests as many irrigators manage the 11” per acre allocation limit to meet the needs of high water use crops. Additionally, we have found a wide variance in natural rainfall across the District that, combined with variable water holding capacity of heavy and light soils, means there is inherent disparity in supplemental water needs for farm operations, regardless of crop selection, and that water-stressed areas can change from year to year. As the water saved by responsible irrigation earlier in the season is being used now to sustain growing crops through an extended and continuing period of high temperatures this summer, the water allocation limits on a farm unit basis are being approached for several operations. These irrigators have committed to seeing these crops through to completion and the LNID Board recognizes that the incremental volume to realize crop yield and quality potential is available within the contingency allowed in the conservative assumptions. A modest increase in allocation is not projected to significantly impact district-wide uptake and so will have a relatively minor effect on end-of-season storage. Using the updated estimate of district-wide use with a 13” allocation in place at current or higher rates of irrigation and a conservative estimate of non-LNID releases, the end-of-season Oldman Reservoir storage remains at 42-45%. The Board is also aware that targeting a gross end-of-season storage volume is helpful for overall risk management but at a finer scale is limited in its effectiveness in offsetting natural variability in annual snowpack accumulation and spring runoff for 2025. Recognizing also that there is a reasonable projection of transition to a La Niña and NOAA is forecasting above normal moisture widening across the northwest for early 2025, it would be a shame to save water this summer that is then spilled next Spring. The reservoirs are there to capture runoff and sustain flows through dry periods that, together with application of good water management and conservation practices, will protect and sustain our aquatic ecosystems, our communities and our irrigated agriculture that drives the southern Alberta economy.

To view supporting information, click here.

Irrigators are reminded that penalties will apply to parcels that exceed the annual allocation. To avoid penalties, allocation transfers can be applied for by submitting your request via email to We will reply with a request form for completion. There is no charge for administration of these transfers.

As of: August 21, 2024

2024 Board Election: Results

The LNID would like to welcome Arnie Bergen-Henengouwen to the Board of Directors, as the elected candidate for Electoral Division No. 3.

The Board of Directors is as follows:

Division 1: Peter Bos

Division 2: Martin Van Diemen

Division 3: Arnie Bergen-Henengouwen

Division 4: Calvin Konynenbelt

Division 5: Sonny Wierenga

2024 Weed Control Treatments

The Lethbridge Northern Irrigation District will be controlling broadleaf weeds along its right-of-ways for the 2024 irrigation season. The chemicals used will be Dycleer, 2,4-D Amine 600 and Amine 500 herbicides. Round-up will also be used for weed control on graveled driving banks and for reed canary grass control. This Spray program will be starting in May of 2024 and will continue to the end of the irrigation season.

Also included in this weed control program will be the treatments for aquatic weeds. To control these aquatic weeds, the Lethbridge Northern Irrigation District may be treating the Canals noted below on the approximate dates shown during the 2024 irrigation season. The Canals will be treated with Magnicide H (Acrolein, Inhibited) to control the growth of aquatic weeds and algae.

Projected 2024 Aquatic Treatment Locations & Dates:








MAY 13, 20, 27 JUNE 3, 10, 17, 24 JULY 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 AUG. 5, 12, 19, 26 SEPT. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

All sub laterals that take water from the above noted laterals may/will be affected by these treatments. Please read the supplied material if you have land by these treatments or receive water from these canals.

This weed control program is administered by licensed applicators under the approval from Alberta Environment & Protected Areas. Go to to view a detailed map of the above referenced areas and updated information.

No Hunting on District Property

The district administration would like to remind all residents and visitors that hunting of any kind is strictly prohibited on district land. This prohibition is in place to ensure the safety of all individuals on district land, as well as to protect the natural habitat and wildlife within the area.

The prohibition on hunting includes, but is not limited to, the use of firearms, bows and arrows, traps, and any other devices used to capture or kill animals. This prohibition applies to all individuals, regardless of whether they are residents of the district or not.

Any individuals found to be hunting on district land will be asked to leave the area immediately and may be subject to legal action. The district administration takes this matter very seriously and will take all necessary measures to enforce this prohibition.

We appreciate your cooperation in helping to maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for all on district land. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the district administration. Thank you for your understanding and compliance.


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