Water Allocation Update: July 26, 2024

July 26, 2024

At the July 23, 2024 Board Meeting the LNID Board of Directors reviewed the current water supply of the Oldman and Keho Reservoirs as well as crop demands, and decided to hold the water allocation at 11” per irrigation acre.

The Oldman Reservoir is at 83.94% of full supply volume, and Keho Reservoir is at 88.74% of full supply volume. The Oldman Reservoir was filled to 95% on July 9, 2024 before dropping due to increased demand. The inflow into the Oldman Reservoir appears to be similar to 2023’s flow rate at this time of year. This puts the Oldman Reservoir on target to end the year at a minimum of 42.6% of full supply volume, which is significantly higher than the 28% at the end of 2023.

The Board will continue to closely monitor the Water Supply Forecast for the irrigation season and revisit water allocation the week of August 5, 2024.

Allocation Transfers can be applied for at the LNID Office or with your Water District Coordinator. There is no charge for these transfers.

LNID thanks all irrigators for their continued cooperation in managing restricted allocations, and all those working hard to make every drop count within the Oldman South Saskatchewan River Basin.

As of July 26, 2024