Alberta Agriculture & Irrigation Main Canal Repair

April 30, 2024

The Board has received the following update information with respect to the Main Canal Repair:

Work to date:

  • All in-canal works completed (placement of sand, geotextile, liner and amours).
  • Siphon modification to toe berm.
  • Removal of the cofferdam.
  • Fixing deficiencies within the canal (patching small holes/tears in the canal liner)

Site Cleanup to Date: 1,000m of ditch clean up, drain outlet modifications, grading works, general slope cleanup, etc.

Work over the next two weeks:

  • Site clean up.
  • Dennis Dirtworx will continue to complete the toe berm/back slope clean-up. This includes:
  • Topsoil Placement/Seeding Remediation
  • Road grading/general site cleanup
  • Toe berm/backslope cleanup
  • Drain outlet modifications

Work of the project remaining:

  • Extension of the Toe Berm #5 at station 5+550 approximately 150m to the east. Final extents are yet to be determined.
  • Placing road gravel on canal bank roads
  • Restoring the access roads
  • Final demobilization
  • Weed control

Milestone dates:

  • Partial Substantial Completion – March 28th, 2024 (complete all in-canal work)
  • Total Completion – May 31st, 2024 (complete all work of the project)

NOTE: LNID Irrigation Season startup is the week of May 6th, 2024 with initial low canal flows beginning in the Headworks Canal as early as April 29th, 2024.

An update on the water storage as of April 30th, 2024 is the Oldman Dam was at 40% of full supply level (FSL) and Keho Reservoir was at 84% of FSL.

Board of Directors