
electoral Division Maps

Division 2

Term: May 2023 - May 2026

Current Representative: Martin Van Diemen

The division is described as follows:
All that area of the Irrigation District in Parts of Townships 10, 11, and 12 in Ranges 20 and 21 W4M lying to the North and East of the coulee known as "Piyami Coulee" or "12 Mile Coulee" and East of Township Road 21-5 North of Highway 519, South of a direct line from the N.W. corner of the N.W. Quarter of Section 17 Township 12 Range 21 W4M to the N.E. corner of the N.E. Quarter of Section 17 Township 12 Range 20 W4M, and West of Township Road 20-4 North of Highway 519 and West of Township Road 20-5 South of Highway 519.